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St. Petersburg, 🇷🇺 Russia

Dmitry Pavlov
Original language

Esoteric Methods of Treating Addictions

Arkady Vyatkin

Arkady Vyatkin works as a psychiatrist, specializing in the field of additions. He has authored a large number of scientific articles and books on psychology. In this work, the author speaks about his experience gained over many years of medical practice and treating such conditions as alcohol, drug addiction and solvent abuse. Making surprising but scientifically grounded conclusions, the author writes about the interaction processes between an individual’s psychic energy and his/her addictions, tells about the influence of karma on the results of treatment, and the link between after-death existence and inhalant abuse. Also, in the book you will learn about accessible and effective esoteric healing methods that would definitely help you and your family. This work could be also interesting to specialists involved in the study of addictions, or people suffering from these conditions and trying to overcome them.