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Young Sun Park - BRUECKE Agency (KR), 1 year ago

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Susanne Simor
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Capital and Resentment

Joseph Vogl

A brief Theory of Present

There is a trail of destruction from the rule of the financial markets and the new network giants to the dynamised opinion forming industry. Democracy, freedom and social responsibility are left behind. In his brilliant analysis, Joseph Vogl reconstructs how completely new forms of corporate power have emerged in the digital age, overwriting our familiar political universe with their own evaluation logic and intervening ever more massively in the decision-making processes of governments, societies and economies across national borders.

Joselph Vogl, one of the foremost spokesmen of a new generation of critics of capitalism and since his bestseller "The Spectre of Capital" one of the most acclaimed economists presents here three theses on the current age. First, the internet and platform capitalism of the present (from Google to Uber) is the latest metamorphosis of a financial regime that developed in the 1970s and recognised the management of information as an attractive source of value creation. Second, this fusion of financial economy and communication technologies establishes new paradigms of power, the result of which are fragmented public eras, social schisms and loss of democracy. Third, affect economies fuelled by resentment stabilise the dominance of this new platform capitalism at the expense of the common good.

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Published by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 180 Pages