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Young Sun Park - BRUECKE Agency (KR), 1 year ago

Fundamental Social Concepts

Armin Nassehi

A Glossar of the Public Discourse

In his new book, Armin Nassehi presents a glossary of the public discourse in Germany. The interrelated fundamental social concepts he explores all have one thing in common: they originated in the context of academia, but have long since entered the current public discourse. They appear there in an often irremediably distorted form, and their use in public debates impacts in turn upon the social sciences.

This book is not about defining the ‘real’ meaning of terms, nor is it a pedantic exhortation to ‘speak properly’. Instead, Nassehi’s book looks methodically at the function of these terms in public debates. Key social concepts such as freedom, equality/inequality, identity, crisis and foreignness not only have a lexical meaning they also have a practical meaning gained via their use in debates.

• Armin Nassehi on key terms in current public debates: identity, inequality, etc.

• This book focuses not only on the public use of that conceptual rationality, but also on the social origin of terms used in the social sciences. All of this serves to answer the fundamental question: which problems do these terms offer a solution to?

• On the meaning and effect of 20 key terms in public debate

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28.00 EUR

Published 2023-09-21T11:37:28.165Z by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406807671

ISBN: 9783406807671