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C.H.Beck Fall 2022, 1 year ago

The Electronic Mirror

Manuela Lenzen

Human Thinking and Artificial Intelligence

‘The Electronic Mirror’ is about the adventure of understanding intelligence while creating it. Science writer, Manuela Lenz, leads us on an expedition through the dynamic research world positioned somewhere between psychology, neuroscience, biology, philosophy and AI-research itself. Artificial Intelligence is far from being as clever as we are. That’s why we can use it to teach ourselves how real intelligence functions and learn more of who we are.

Artificial Intelligence is being talked about all over the place but rarely does anyone ever mention that these smart bits of machinery were never coming onto the scene simply to take away the dreary or dangerous jobs. From the start they were used to pose hypotheses as to how the human mind works, an electronic mirror presenting a distorted picture in which a human being can learn more about what intelligence is and what it isn’t.

In its earliest stages those working in AI research believed that it was necessary simply to give an accurate description of how humans think in order to be able to build smart machines. Seventy years later disillusionment has set in. The greatest challenges are not the chess games or the creation of geometric figures, more the hard to grasp human concepts such as flexibility, creativity, understanding and judging about a situation before responding appropriately.

*‘Manuela Lenzen debunks common myths and explains everything we need to know about AI right now.’ Dana Heide, Handelsblatt

*Why so-called ‘intelligent algorithms’ still have problems

*What constitutes natural intelligence?

*Since the publication of her long-seller ‘Künstliche Intelligenz’, the author has been a sought-after expert on this subject

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Published 2023-01-15 by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406792083

Main content page count: 240 Pages

ISBN: 9783406792083


Lenzen, Manuela: Artificial Intelligence

         Turkish: Repar Tasarim (not published yet)