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C.H.Beck Fall 2022, 1 year ago


Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger Andre Krischer

A History from Caligula to Putin

Tyrants are thriving in our own time. We are witnessing a steady rise in the number of autocrats engaged in stopping everything we believed unstoppable - the triumph of democracy and the rule of law. In short, the western dream. This group of autocrats ranges from the combative, such as Putin, to the disturbing, such as Kim Jong Un. Even the cradle of modern democracy appears not to be immune from being pulled toward the abyss.

In this account of tyranny from Caligula to Putin, a group of renowned historians investigate the personal characteristics and forms of rule that are typically found in, and under, a tyrant. The vivid and yet accurate descriptions of these figures and the analysis of their actions and atrocities combine to show that the history of these tyrannical rulers also provides an account of the constantly changing face of unjust rule. It also highlights differences in the political interpretation of the subject.

Caligula – Nero – Henry IV – Richard III – Catherine of Medici – Ibrahim the Mad Ivan IV ‘The Terrible’ – Peter I ‘The Great’ – Friedrich Wilhelm I Napoleon Bonaparte – Leopold II – Franco Mao Tse-tung – Jiang Qing – Pinochet – Idi Amin – Mugabe – Bashir al-Assad – Kim Il Sung to Kim Jong Un – Erdoğan – Trump – Putin

‘A tyrannical ruler will put force above the law.’ Aristotle

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Published 2022-09-15 by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406790805

Main content page count: 352 Pages

ISBN: 9783406790805