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C.H.Beck Fall 2023, 1 year ago

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Anna-Sophia Mäder
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Klaus Vieweg

An Alternative History of Philosophy

Where philosophy begins ‘The beginning is half of the whole, meaning that even a small mistake at the beginning can result in big mistakes later on.’ - Aristotle • An unusual and exciting history of philosophy • What do the promising opening moves of philosophical reflection consist of? • Klaus Vieweg guides us expertly around the logical map of philosophical beginnings • Not limited to European philosophy, this book takes an intercultural approach How can we ‘start from the beginning’ in philosophy? What does a viable, non-arbitrary beginning in philosophical thinking look like? Following his successful Hegel biography, philosopher Klaus Vieweg presents his new book, a fast and furious story of the origins of philosophising, from Parmenides and Plato to Descartes and Spinoza to Fichte and Hegel. He also lays the foundations for an alternative, philosophical history of philosophy, which is not aimed only at specialists but is written for a broad readership with an interest in philosophy.

The ’awkwardness of the beginning’ poses a Herculean task for philosophy: how can a truly philosophical realisation be arrived at? How has this problem of the systematic starting point been solved in the history of philosophy? Referring to Hegel, Vieweg draws a logical map of all kinds of philosophical opening moves, in which the intellectual fascination of philosophising becomes tangible.

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29.00 EUR

Published 2023-09-21T08:33:21.033Z by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406806544

ISBN: 9783406806544