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Delius Klasing Foreign Rights

Biking to the office

Matthias Dietz

Everything bicycle commuters should know The bicycle commuter ABC

Four million people in Germany ride their bikes to work every day, and the number is growing all the time. For good reasons: Cycling is environmentally friendly, healthy and on distances of up to five kilometers you are faster than by car, bus or train. "By bike to the office" helps commuters to find the right bike for their needs and thus provides orientation in the complex bicycle market.

In addition, Matthias Dietz gives commuters a chance to speak and presents useful equipment for all weather conditions, purses and everyday situations. Tips on care and maintenance as well as information on financing models for commuters round off the compact guide. For all those who want to change their saddle or have already

done so!

• More and more people want to take an active part in climate protection and the bicycle is a convincing alternative to the car.

• With test: Which wheel type suits me?

• Index & glossary with the most important technical terms

Available products

Published 2023-05-30 by Delius Klasing

Main content page count: 160 Pages