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dpunkt Verlag
Heidelberg, 🇩🇪 Germany

Software Testing Foundations

Hans Schaefer Tilo Linz Andreas Spillner

Certified Tester according to ISTQB-Standard (Foundation Level)

The "Certified Tester" program represents an internationally standardized training and edu ...

The "Certified Tester" program represents an internationally standardized training and education scheme for software testers.

This book covers the material needed to pass the exam "Certified Tester" (Foundation Level) according to the standard of the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB). It is suitable also for self-study.


  • Fundamentals of testing,
  • testing in the software lifecycle,
  • static and dynamic testing,
  • test management,
  • test tools.

The 4th edition conforms to the new curriculum of the ISTQB Foundation Level.

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Published 2012-10-09 by dpunkt.verlag , ISBN: 9783864900242

Main content page count: 312 Pages

ISBN: 9783864900242