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St. Petersburg, 🇷🇺 Russia

Dmitry Pavlov
Original language

Ruler of Reality

Vadim Zeland

Strange as it may seem, material universe has a mirror reflection — not illusory or invisible, but an objectively existing world, the presence of which reveals itself in some inexplicable phenomena. Should we be surprised that at the point where the two worlds adjoin, reality becomes controllable? The energy of thoughts does not entirely disappear — it indisputably influences the surrounding world in some way. But how can this energy be used? Why do our desires go unfulfilled and the worst expectations become a reality? Why do the commonly known visualization methods sometimes turn out to be effective, but in other cases they just fail? The reason is there is a missing link in the chain, without which all spiritual practices become a waste of time. And the secret is on the surface... It is so unbelievably simple, you can hardly accept it. The book tells you what the missing link is. Having received a key to controlling reality, you will discover the world where the impossible comes true. Although a lot of things will seem unusual, remember: they are not a plot of the author's imagination, everything is real.