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Ullstein Buchverlage
Berlin, 🇩🇪 Germany

The Blind Gallerist

Daniel Schreiber Johann König

"I was an impostor. To say 'I'm a gallerist' was easier than being a gallerist."

Occasionally borrowing from art theory, Blind Gallerist tells the story of Johann König, an internationally known gallerist, and his journey to rediscover the world and art.

Joseph Beuys, Gerhard Richter, Martin Kippenberger, Jeff Koons - since childhood Johann König has been surrounded by great artists.

His father was a museum director and curator; his uncle the owner of several renowned art bookshops. Yet his own path was far from paved. As a child, he loses his eyesight in an accident. He spends his teenage years coming to terms with his disability. A career in art seems out of reach. But against all odds, at nineteen-years-old, he starts his own gallery. Today Johann König runs one of the most popular galleries based in Berlin - in a concrete church built in the sixties. Johann König shares with the reader what it is like to experience art without being able to see it, and explains how being blind was actually one of the driving forces to become a gallerist. For most people art is a solely visual experience. As König cannot rely on his eyesight to perceive art, he developed a unique sensibility to appreciate and evaluate it.  

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Published 2019-06-14 by Propyläen Verlag , ISBN: 9783549076422

Main content page count: 240 Pages

ISBN: 9783549076422