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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher


Sarah Cooper

How to get by without even trying

Illustrated business humor book that captures this zeitgeist in the form of hilariously bad advice –advice that you might just want to take. It’s “funny because it’s true.” It’s THE WORST-CASE SCENARIO SURVIVAL HANDBOOK meets Dilbert andOffice
Sarah Cooper is a writer, blogger, vlogger, comedian whose satirical blog “The Cooper Review” has us laughing in our cubicles (or open floor plan). She’s been there. Formerly at Google, GoogleDocs and Yahoo, Sarah has observed and mastered that necessary bane of our corporate existences: the meeting. Her “10 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings” post has circled the globe, with 5 million views and counting. In it we see our daily conquests. We want to succeed. We want to look smart and master the hell of our corporate life with minimal effort. Sarah’s platform includes: · launched in August 2014 and gets 500k-1M monthly unique visitors; 6K+ email subscribers; 4K+ Facebook fans · Sarah Cooper: 15K Twitter followers; 13K Google Plus followers; 7K followers on; 1K email subscribers · YouTube (including videos such as How to Cry On Cue and How to Dance at Your Office Holiday Party) · Merchandise: she has sold $10,000+ worth of posters and mugs to date (with little to no marketing); · Series potential & Corporate Coloring books (see proposal) in both traditional and special sales markets
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Published 2016-10-04 by Andrews McMeel