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Susanne Simor
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101 Questions: China

Hans van Ess

Enigmatic China -101 Questions and Answers about the new superpower

How many countries does the "New Silk Road" pass through? Why is the Chinese leadership afraid of the Uighurs? Is China still communist? And why do diseases keep coming from China? Hans van Ess answers the most important questions about the Middle Kingdom concisely, knowledgeably and understandably for everyone. The successful introduction was updated and revised for the 3rd edition.
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Published by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 176 Pages


"It is astonishing how accurately the Munich sinologist Hans van Ess answers all the questions we have always asked ourselves about China taking into account critical points, for example Tibet, Taiwan or the human rights discourse…With this volume we have a kind of literary compass in front of us enabling us to plan a trip to China easier from home and during travel leading us all the way through China's glittering present.”

"Van Ess is a master at communicating the essentials in a few strokes." Harro von Senger, Neue Zürcher Zeitung