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Heel Verlag
Stephanie Becker-Barth
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1990s Reloaded

Mola Adebisi

Join us on a musical journey back into the 1990s, a decade shaped by contrasting artists like Whitney Houston and Nirvana, David Hasselhoff and Oasis, and the immense success of boybands like Backstreet Boys, Take That, and East 17. Besides these well-known names of British and American performers, it was however a special new music genre called Eurodance, represented by Snap, Culture Beat, Haddaway and DJ Bobo, which entered the stage and shook up the international music scene with an innovative mixture of techno and hip hop.

This book is written by Mola Adebisi, who worked as a host for music channel VIVA from 1993 to 2004 and met numerous stars and celebrities during that time, thus being able to tell about hits and stories of this thrilling decade, which also created new fashion trends like platform shoes and belly piercing. The 1990s are experiencing a revival these days through the most popular „90s Live“ events taking place throughout Germany, with more than 150,000 people attending in 2018 and numerous upcoming gigs again this year - presented live on stage by Mola!

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Published by HEEL Verlag , ISBN: 9783958438958

Main content page count: 176 Pages

ISBN: 9783958438958