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Elin Hilderbrand

When Mallory Blessing's son, Link, receives death bed instructions from his mother to call a number on a slip of paper in her desk drawer, he certainly does not expect Jake McCloud to answer. It's the late spring of 2020 and Jake's wife, Ursula DeGournsey, is the front runner in the upcoming Presidential election.
There must be a mistake, Link thinks. How do Mallory and Jake know each other? Flashback to the sweet summer of 1993. Mallory has just inherited a beachfront cottage from her aunt and she agrees to host her brother's bachelor party. Jake McCloud, Cooper's friend from college, attends and Jake and Mallory form a bond that will persevere through mar- riage, children and Ursula's stratospheric political rise until Mallory learns she's dying. Based on the classic movie, "Same Time Next Year," (which Mallory and Jake watch every year), 28 Summers explores the agony and romance of a one-weekend-per year affair and the dramatic ways this relationship complicates and enriches their lives and the lives of the people they love. Elin Hilderbrand is the author of many New York Times bestselling novels, including Summer of '69, The Perfect Couple, The Identicals, Here's To Us, The Rumor, Beautiful Day, Summerland, Silver Girl, The Island, A Summer Affair, and Barefoot. 28 SUMMERS is her 25th novel. There are over ten million copies of Elin Hilderbrand's novels in print, and her sales continue to grow. Her books have been published in over twenty foreign countries. Elin Hilderbrand spent her first summer on Nantucket Island in 1993 and has lived there year-round for 26 years. She's the mother of three, an enthusiastic at-home cook and a six-year breast cancer survivor.
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Published 2020-06-16 by Little, Brown


Author Elin Hilderbrand on new book "28 Summers" on CBS This Morning Interview Read more...

28 SUMMERS is on the Indigo Best Books of 2020 list! Read more...

In her 25th novel, Hilderbrand gets everything right and leaves her ardent fans hungry for No. 26. Hilderbrand sets the gold standard in escapist fiction.

Summer on Hilderbrand's Nantucket is never dull. This time she focuses on former lovers who now lead separate lives but share an island idyll once a year. Captivating and bittersweet.

Hilderbrand steers this tightly written novel with ease and skill... Less a story about a secretive affair and more a tale of sweet nostalgia and fate, this title will be popular with a wide audience.

Czech: Dobrovsky ; Estonia: Tanapaev ; France: Les Escales ; Hungary: IPC ; Latvia: Kontinents ; Lithuania: Tyto Alba ; Macedonian: Antolog ; Poland: Poradnia K ; Russian: Mann, Ivanov & Ferber ; Swedish: Bokforlaget Forum

...this sweeping love story is Hilderbrand's best ever.

Hilderbrand steers this tightly written novel with ease and skill.

MRC Film to Adapt Elin Hilderbrand Romance '28 Summers'! The Knives Out studio has acquired 28 Summers with Charlie's Angels producer Elizabeth Cantillon, who is attached to produce the adaptation. Read more...

28 SUMMERS will debut on the NYT Bestseller list at #1 in hardcover print and #1 in combined print & ebook Elin's second time at #1 in the first week after publication (June 26, 2020) #3 Hardcover Fiction; #2 Combined Print & Ebook Fiction; #7 Audio Fiction (July 31, 2020)