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Heel Verlag
Stephanie Becker-Barth
Original language

900 Years of Conspiracies

Ingo Grabowsky

Illuminati, chemtrails and coronavirus

80 pages ● more than 100 colour photographs ● paperback ● trim size 183 x 225 mm ● retail price: € 14.99 ● ISBN 978-3-96664-008-4 ● Publication: October 2020

The author, who has also organized a widely noticed exhibition on this matter, displays the

variety of conspiracies throughout the times, starting in the Middle Ages with the belief in witchery, covering the prosecution of the Templar Order and the alleged Jewish world conspiracy which prepared the ground for the later nazi crimes – to name but a few of the rather terrifying kind.

However, there are also sorts of conspiracies which actually evoke amusement, such as the absurd claim that ‘chemtrails’ are generated to poison people in order to diminish the human population, or the renouncement of the moon landing.

This book succeeds in explaining how conspiracies come into being and what does actually make them work and why, especially during periods of social (and digital) transition.

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Published 2020-10-01 by HEEL Verlag , ISBN: 9783966640084

Main content page count: 80 Pages

ISBN: 9783966640084