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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Jaclyn Moriarty

Some books defy description. Some authors make us feel as though we are discovering stories for the very first time, and seem to be choosing their words from a secret stash. This is one of these books. Jaclyn Moriarty is one of these authors. A book that evokes superlatives: the vision is extraordinary, the writing is poetic, the characterization deeply moving.
Madeleine and her mother have run away from their former life, under mysterious circumstances, and settled in cramped quarters in a rainy corner of Cambridge, England (in our world). Madeleine’s mother, Holly, has begun to act in very odd ways. Elliot, on the other hand, is in search of his father who disappeared a year before, the same night his uncle was found dead by the side of a wintry road. The talk in the town of Bonfire (in the Kingdom of Cello) is that Elliot's dad may have killed his brother and run away with the town teacher, abandoning Elliot and his mom. But that is something he refuses to believe. And he is determined to find both his dad and the truth.
Madeleine and Elliot both begin to unravel their own mysteries in their own respective worlds, until the two are brought together when Madeleine finds a mysterious folded note in a parking meter. “Help me,” the note begins. “I am being held against my will.” She answers the note—and back in Bonfire, Elliot finds her reply. Thus begins an impossible correspondence. It is impossible because since 1666, the contact points between Cello and the World have been sealed, and it is strictly forbidden for a Cellian to interact with the World. Indeed, as far as Madeleine is concerned, Cello does not exist.
Through this strange, inexplicable gap between the two worlds, even greater mysteries unfold: Why are the violent, dangerous weather phenomena called “color storms” happening in Cello with ever increasing frequency? What is the connection between Madeleine and Isaac Newton, with whom she's developing a strange fascination? Is there any truth to the myth of the "Butterfly Child," a creature whose appearance could end the droughts of Cello? And will Madeleine and her friend Jack ever kiss?

Jaclyn Moriarty is the internationally bestselling and award-winning author of several books for young adults, including THE GHOSTS OF ASHBURY HIGH, FEELING SORRY FOR CELIA, THE YEAR OF SECRET ASSIGNMENTS, and THE MURDER OF BINDY MACKENZIE.
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Published 2013-04-01 by Arthur Levine/Scholastic


Published 2013-04-01 by Arthur Levine/Scholastic


Another one of a kind from the inimitable Moriarty, this time, a barely epistolary fantasy series opener unlike anything else out there…Moriarty’s trademark wit and whimsy are on full display, with zingy dialogue that feels right…and bizarre characters living unexpected lives that manage to be mundane and delightful at the same time. By the end, Madeleine’s story feels somewhat resolved, but Elliot’s has turned an unexpected corner that will bring their worlds much closer and bring readers more mystery and humor in the next volume. Quirky, charming, funny, sad: another winner from this always-surprising author.

As always, her irresistible characters help readers navigate a tantalizingly complex plot that will leave them eagerly awaiting the next book.

The plotting is as innovative and riveting as the world-making here... Moriarty...delight[s] and surprise[es]...

An absolute delight of a novel: strange yet familiar, whimsical yet real, beautifully written and completely captivating. I can't wait for the sequel!

Perfectly strange, and absolutely comical and heartfelt... Jaclyn Moriarty is one of the most original writers we have.

This blew ALICE IN WONDERLAND out of the park!. A marvelous novel--in every sense of the word--with all the qualities of a literary classic, Moriarty blends magic, science, and a wry humor in her tale of two teens from different worlds. Just like the letters exchanged between the main characters, A CORNER OF WHITE slips through a previously unnoticed crack in the reader's heart and changes everything. Young adults and not-so-young adults who enjoy experiencing the meeting of the everyday and the otherworldly will relish this unique, unusual tale.

Supremely original, smart, and delightful, this treasure of a book will appeal to readers of both realistic fiction and fantasy.

Australian writer Moriarty’s marvelously original fantasy is quirky, clever, and delightful, exploring links between present-day Cambridge, England, and the Kingdom of Cello, where colors attack, seasons roam unpredictably, and the Butterfly Child can save a community.

Jaclyn Moriarty is my favorite YA novelist because of her amazing ability to fit apparently unrelated stories together to form a beautiful, surprising whole. She makes me laugh, hysterically -- and cry, unexpectedly. A Corner of White is a startlingly original fantasy, a moving story of human resiliance -- and a structural triumph.