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Jonathan Beck
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A History of Germany

Andreas Fahrmeir

In his brief history of Germany from its beginnings to the present day, Andreas Fahrmeir explores a variety of topics including the changing geographic shape of the German states, the gradual rise of middle Europe from the periphery of the Mediterranean world to the center of power politics on the continent in the 20th century, the countless watershed moments in German politics, and the evolution from empire via monarchy into a republic, dictatorships, and democracy. This informative and highly readable book ends with a chapter that highlights the distinctive characteristics of German history. Andreas Fahrmeir is a professor of modern history at Goethe University Frankfurt/Main. He also is the author of Revolutionen und Reformen. Europa 1789–1850 (Revolutions and Reformations. Europe 1789–1850, 1985), which is part of the C.H.Beck History of Europe series.
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Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406715136

Main content page count: 128 Pages

ISBN: 9783406715136