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Jonathan Beck
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A History of the United States of America

Bernd Stöver

From the First Colony to the Present Day

This volume is the first “histoire totale” of the United States of America in decades and it deftly combines the political and military history of this superpower with the history of its economy and culture. This fascinating book provides a better understanding of both the American Dream and the current deep divides across the country. From dishwasher to millionaire: the myth of a land of unlimited opportunities is still alive today. Bernd Stöver explores the roots of the American Dream, but also the many contradictions of American history: slavery and genocide against the Native Americans on one hand, philanthropy on the other, global mass culture and subversive counterculture, worldliness and patriotism. The election of Trump took the world by surprise. Bernd Stöver’s grand depiction shows that surprising new beginnings are an essential part of American history. Bernd Stöver, after holding appointments in Bielefeld und Washington D.C., now teaches at the University of Potsdam as professor of modern history with an emphasis on global history. C.H.Beck has published some of his other works, including Der Kalte Krieg (The Cold War, 2012), Geschichte des Koreakriegs (A History of the Korean War, 2015) and most recently CIA. Geschichte, Organisation, Skandale (The CIA. History, Organization, Scandals, 2017).
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Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406713644

Main content page count: 781 Pages

ISBN: 9783406713644