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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Shelley Shepard Gray

Aaron Coblentz has a secret: he's been studying to take the GED to get promoted at work. But he can't let his Amish family know, not when his older brother already left the faith just a year after getting baptized, practically crippling the family. When Aaron asks bookmobile librarian Sarah Anne Miller for some additional study guides, she does one better. She arranges for Kayla Kaufman to be his tutor.
Kayla has a secret too. Her life has been turned upside down in a matter of months - her mother's death propelled her father into a constant state of depression, and unable to deal with his erratic behavior, her longtime boyfriend has broken things off. But despite losing those she holds most dear, she hasn't completely given up on love. Only now she seeks to find it in the sweet romance novels she secretly checks out from Sarah Anne's bookmobile.

As Aaron and Kayla's study sessions start to feel less like work and more like pleasure, they soon realize that happily ever afters don't only happen in fiction; sometimes they happen when you least expect it.

A practicing Lutheran, Shelley Shepard Gray is the New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of more than eighty novels, translated into multiple languages. In her years of researching the Amish community, she depends on her Amish friends for gossip, advice, and cinnamon rolls. She lives in Colorado with her family and writes full time.
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Published 2021-01-01 by Gallery