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Dmitry Pavlov
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A Unique Book of Homeopathic Doctor

Boris Taits

Today homeopathy is becoming very popular and is more actively used in conventional medicine. Clinical practice undeniably shows that in many cases illnesses are treated effectively with homeopathic remedies. At the same time, the use of chemical medicine brings human body to the state when it is no longer able to heal itself. What makes homeopathy special is that is helps to tune the most important processes taking place in the body without introducing alien substances. In his comprehensive book, Boris Taits, a famous Russian homeopath, suggests methods of homeopathic treatment and prevention of various medical problems: from pre-birth period to old age. His methods include homeopathic and herbal treatments. During his medical practice that lasted over 50 years he helped thousands of families.
  • You are young, but sometimes you are not in good health.
  • You are expecting a child and you want to make sure the baby is fine.
  • Your children are growing up and you need advice of a good family doctor.
  • You are starting to feel many mid-life problems.
  • You are becoming an elderly person and it's time you paid attention to your health.
This wonderful book will help you!