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Kyle Lukoff

A trans kid learns just how powerful he can be in the face of dangers both natural and supernatural in this powerful new book from the Newbery Honor-winning author of Too Bright to See.
When A's friend Yarrow goes missing, he knows it has everything to do with Save our Sons and Daughters. The organization markets themselves as a support group for parents with trans kids, but SOSAD does little more than push fears of a nonexistent "transgender craze," and take every opportunity to turn parents against their children. While Yarrow's dissapearance is shocking, it's not altogether surprising; kids have been disappearing from the group for weeks. Still, A never suspected that there was anything supernatural about it, until he finds himself face-to-face with a real-life golem - a creature brought to life by a rabbinic ritual. Turns out, Yarrow's disappearance is bigger than SOSAD, A's transphobic parents, or even the rash of anti-trans bills racing through state legistlatures across the country. Sheydim - demons from Jewish mythology - who feed on the darkness in the world, are stirring. And the rise in transphobia is serving up an endless buffet. The golem is convinced that A can help unravel the thread of evil weaving through the world. But how is one trans kid who hasn't even chosen a full name supposed to save his friend, let alone the whole world? Kyle Lukoff is the author of many books for young readers. His debut middle-grade novel, Too Bright To See, received a Newbery honor, the Stonewall award, and was a National Book Award finalist. His picture book When Aidan Became a Brother also won the Stonewall. He has forthcoming books about mermaids, babies, apologies, and lots of other topics. While becoming a writer he worked as a bookseller for ten years, and then nine more years as a school librarian.
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Published 2025-02-04 by Dial Books for Young Readers