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Scott Lyons

Healing Dependency on Crisis and Chaos in Yourself and Others

A Psychologist and mind-body expert introduces drama addiction as a true disorder for the first time, providing strategies to identify and recover, for yourself or a loved one.
Here, Dr. Scott Lyons does for drama addiction what Melody Beattie did for the term "codependency" by introducing and codifying this psychological concern for a trade audience as a true disorder for the first time. He also connects the dots between mental health and physiological responses, underscoring the very real health costs of manufacturing and living a high-intensity life as research has shown that drama addiction can be contagious, creating a stress response in those in proximity to the addict.

Do you have someone in your life who seems to thrive on chaos? Someone who manufactures crisis where there is none? We tend to judge them, react with annoyance or disgust, and often label them "drama queens." But clinical psychologist, osteopath, and mind-body specialist Dr. Scott Lyons shows us to look past our collective perception of these people as unabashed attention-seekers and instead see that they are experiencing a much deeper psychological, biological, and social phenomenon: they are, in fact, battling an addiction and that chaos is a high. Drama addicts have developed a "new normal" of internal homeostasis where their stress levels are chronically high; they seek out drama so they can find a sense of control and balance.

With primary research, patient stories, and studies, Dr. Lyons deconstructs the "why" and "how" of drama addiction, sharing:
- what drama addiction is and what it is not
- how drama addiction relates to other personality disorders such as narcissistic and borderline
- how to identify patterns of drama addiction in yourself and others
- the relationship of drama addiction to major health issues such as chronic fatigue, autoimmune disease, joint and muscle pains, and other conditions
- steps for coping and recovery

With clear-eyed empathy, Dr. Lyons leads readers through an "unwinding" process that allows them to break free of the drama cycle, be vulnerable, and find joy in the subtle and meaningful moments of everyday life.

Dr. Scott Lyons is a clinical psychologist, osteopath, and mind-body medicine practitioner who specializes in therapies for infants, youth, and adults. He is the co-creator of Embodied Flow, a school of yoga and therapy, and developer of Somatic Stress Release, a process of restoring our biological adaptation system.
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Published 2023-05-02 by Hachette Go


Published 2023-05-02 by Hachette Go


...a deeply felt, beautifully written account of intersectionality, personal responsibility, and growth... Read more...

Are you someone who thrives on tumult and catastrophe? Who perks up at the first whiff of bad news? Read Scott Lyons's ADDICTED TO DRAMA: Healing Dependency on Crisis and Chaos in Yourself and Others and you'll see how these tendencies are holding you hostage. Read more...

...underlaid with thorough psychological insight but remains eminently accessible, bolstered by relatable anecdotes and actionable advice. Readers will find this a thoughtful, practical entry. Read more...

Arabic: Jarir Bookstore, Czech: Portal ; Polish: DW Rebis ; Russian: Eksmo ; Spanish: Planeta Mexico

Do you know someone who thrives on chaos, turning small issues into huge ones, and making everything a confrontation? That person could be a friend or relative - or they might be you. Lyons explains that it's actually an addiction - indicative of pain and suffering - and gives accessible tips on breaking the cycle. Read more...