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Knesebeck Verlag
Marc-Frederic Schmid
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Adventurous Ireland

Florian Wagner

Exploring the green island on horseback

» The wild Irish westcoast explored on horseback » A journey offside the beaten paths » Exciting encounters with extraordinary people

In 2013 Florian Wagner already crossed Germany on the back of his horse. This time he is exploring the wild and charming West coast of Ireland on a 1.300 kilometer and two month long equestrian journey. Out of this very special perspective he wants to get to know the local customs as well as the myths and Celtic traditions of this fascinating

country. His adventurous journey aside off paved paths brings him to steep and cliffy coastlines and never-ending green hills. Along with beautiful countryside photos there are shown pictures, which document the daily routine and the challenges of this adventure. In short portraits we get to know impressing personalities such as the legendary pub owner Furgis O’Fahert, the Whiskey brewer Mary Finnerty and Wolly Leahy, a famous horseman, who even at the age of 92 is still organizing horse ridings 5 times a week.

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Published 2017-04-01 by Knesebeck Verlag , ISBN: 9783957280022

Main content page count: 224 Pages

ISBN: 9783957280022