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Maja Nikolic
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Joseph Fink

From the New York Times bestselling co-author of It Devours! and Welcome to Night Vale comes a fast-paced thriller about a truck driver searching across America for the wife she had long assumed to be dead.

“This isn’t a story. It’s a road trip.”

Keisha Taylor lived a quiet life with her wife, Alice, until the day that Alice disappeared. After months of searching, presuming she was dead, Keisha held a funeral, mourned, and gradually tried to get on with her life. But that was before Keisha started to see her wife, again and again, in the background of news reports from all over America. Alice isn’t dead, and she is showing up at every major tragedy and accident in the country. Following a line of clues, Keisha takes a job with a trucking company, Bay and Creek Transportation, and begins searching for Alice. She eventually stumbles on an otherworldly conflict being waged in the quiet corners of our nation’s highway system—uncovering a conspiracy that goes way beyond one missing woman.

Why did Alice disappear? What does she have to do with this secret war between inhuman killers? Why did the chicken cross the road? These questions, and many more will be answered in ALICE ISN’T DEAD.

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Published 2018-10-30 by HarperPerennial


“Based on the podcast of the same name, Fink’s thrilling first solo novel follows a woman thrown into the middle of a secret war that takes place in the vast, empty stretches of America… Creator of the popular Welcome to Nightvale podcast, Fink (It Devours! with Jeffrey Cranor) fills his world with fully realized characters… Fans of eerie suspense will find much to like.”

“Humdrum reality spins along under our wheels: life, love, work—until a kink in the road takes us deep into the land of Joseph Fink, who builds tarmac that isn’t quite of this world.”

– Laurie R. King, New York Times bestselling author of Island of the Mad

“While his anxiety is often crippling, Fink has channeled that fear into writing some of the most engrossing supernatural stories out there today. Readers who cope with a similar disposition are sure to identify with the book’s two main characters, Alice and Keisha, who navigate their own anxieties in an exceptionally terrifying atmosphere.”

“This spooky third novel by Welcome to Night Vale creator Fink (It Devours!, 2017, etc.) is similarly based on an original podcast and offers a more threatening but equally personal take on the horror genre. . .. . A terrifying new storytelling experience that affirms, even in our darkest moments, that love conquers all.”

– Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

“There are too few of these sorts of novels in the world, where queer people get to have clichéd adventures against the same worn-but-still-exciting backdrops that persist in fiction….Fans of black and white good-versus-evil tropes, road trip stories, and slow burn horror will delight in ALICE ISN’T DEAD.”

“This week, I’ve been engaged in the living nightmare of unspeakable, oozing flesh, ancient beings, hidden other worlds, and creeping things that is Joseph Fink’s new weird fiction masterpiece, ALICE ISN’T DEAD, in which a woman searching for her long-presumed-dead wife discovers conspiracies and secrets both ancient and nefarious, and also learns to drive a big rig truck. If you want this description to make sense, you can catch up on Fink’s podcast oeuvre while waiting for the book’s release—it comes out, appropriately enough, on October 30th.”