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Pasha Malla

White Lotus meets Shaun of the Dead in this absurdist take on the wellness retreat.
Our narrator and his accidental companion, K. Sohail, inadvertently find themselves on an island wellness retreat impersonating a couple, the Dhaliwals, who have probably been killed in a helicopter crash. After being welcomed by Jerome the robot, the new Dhaliwals eagerly partake of the all-you-stomach buffet, the motivational speechifyings on Trunity by the berobed Brad Beard, and some erotic counselling by Professor Sayer. But things quickly take an ominous turn when an excursion to a nearby deserted village reveals a guillotine and a haunted chapel. And then one of the retreaters is murdered and the real Dhaliwals show up. Accusations, counter-accusations, and counter-counter-accusations are made, until the whole retreat is caught up in a bizarre trial. In All You Can Kill, Pasha Malla, with his inimitable absurdist style, collides horror and humour into an utterly unforgettable satire. Pasha Malla is the author of a short story collection, The Withdrawal Method, three books of poems, All Our Grandfathers are Ghosts, Why We Fight > Quran Neck, and Erratic Fire, Erratic Passion (with Jeff Parker), and the novels People Park, Fugue States,and Kill the Mall . He lives in Hamilton, Ontario and teaches in the creative writing program at York University.
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Published 2024-10-01 by Coach House Books


Smart, hilarious, original, All You Can Kill is a feverish, one-of-a-kind, unhinged journey into the absurd shams of modern life. No one writes satire, or anything else, like Pasha Malla.