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DeA PLaneta Libri
Maria Luisa Borsarelli
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Allegro With Fire

Beatrice Venezi

Falling in Love with classic music

A smart and unexpected book, because it’s never too late to fall in love with classic music. Classic music belongs to everyone. We have considered it boring, old, intellectual and far from the sound of the present time for too long. We associated it with the sound of the plastic flute we used to play at school, with the disappointed look for a wrong applause at theatre, with incomprehensible symbols sketched on old sheets of paper. We allowed prejudices and clichés to keep us away from the beauty of the music women and men had been falling in love with for centuries.

Beatrice Venezi, not even 30 years old, did not let commonplace take over her: everyone can still fall in love with classic music, just like her. After all, we just need to follow the right guide. The melody will become a way to discover the world, the rhythm an attempt to listen to ourselves and harmony an evidence of social life.

If we take a closer look, the plots of the opera seem to be reproducing the present times: Carmen becomes a symbol to fight violence against women, the Bohème a Parisian transposition of famous TV series, such as Friends or How I Met Your Mother.

Among scores and crotchets, biographies of composers and conductors, Beatrice Venezi shows us how classic music, once freed from stereotypes, becomes a global right, a beauty belonging to everyone.

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Published 2019-04-01 by DeA Planeta Libri

Main content page count: 224 Pages