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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Stuart Wexler

The Hidden History of Religious Terrorism in the United States

A provocative examination of major acts of U.S. terrorism and the role the Christian identity religious worldview has played in each.
The conventional narrative concerning religious terrorism inside the United States says that the first salvo occurred in 1993, with the first attack on the World Trade Center in New York City. This narrative has motivated more than a decade of wars, and re-prioritized America’s domestic security and law enforcement agenda. But the conventional narrative is wrong.

A different group of jihadists exists within US borders. This group has a long but hidden history, is outside the purview of public officials and has an agenda as apocalyptic as anything Al Qaeda has to offer. Radical sects of Christianity have inspired some of the most grotesque acts of violence in American history: the 1963 Birmingham Church bombing that killed four young girls; the “Mississippi Burning” murders of three civil rights workers in 1964; the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1968, the Atlanta Child Murders in the late 1970s; and the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995. America's Secret Jihad uses these crimes to tell a story that has not been told before.

Groundbreaking revelations in AMERICA’S SECRET JIHAD include:
• The true nature of the plot of the 1963 Church bombing in Alabama
• The real motive behind the 1964 Mississippi Burning Murders
• The connection between Martin Luther King’s murder and a decade-long plot to ignite a racial holy war
• The man who connects anti-Jewish terrorism and a wave of child murders in Atlanta, 20 years apart
• The “church” behind 50 years of domestic terrorism and violence
• The racist, anti-Semitic origins of the modern day militia movement

Stuart Wexler was born and raised in New Jersey. He graduated from Tulane University with a degree in history. He now lives and teaches high school in New Jersey, where he won the prestigious James Madison Teachers’ Fellowship in 2010.
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Published 2015-08-11 by Counterpoint


Published 2015-08-11 by Counterpoint


Interview with Laura Miller about "Christian Identity"

...this book is a fascinating attempt to see beyond conventional narratives and reveal an overlooked facet of religious terrorism.

An impassioned investigative report...With urgency and zeal...Wexler carefully differentiates the religiously motivated extremists from the merely white supremacists...compelling study.

Wexler (The Awful Grace of God) convincingly makes the case that America has been victimized by significant domestic terrorism for over half a century...Most readers will be surprised...Wexler’s deliberate and critical review of the evidence is also likely to prompt reconsideration of the possibility of wider conspiracies behind Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination and the Atlanta child murders of 1979–1981.