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Liepman Literary Agency
Marc Koralnik
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Ashley Little

The compelling, daring tale of an urban teenage girl gang - uncannily topical
The powerful story of the Black Roses, the city's worst nightmare: Mac, the self-appointed leader and mastermind; Mercy, the Punjabi princess with a skill for theft; Kayos, a high-school dropout who gave birth to a daughter at age thirteen; Sly Girl, who fled her First Nations reserve for a better life, only to find depravity and addiction; and Z, an anti-establishment graffiti artist. Cast out by mainstream society, the five teenagers lash out: they terrorize Vancouver with a raw, restless urgency, setting fire to the world around them to try to erase their painful pasts. As the Black Roses, they rob bank machines, cook crack on stoves, and savagely beat anyone who dares to harm them. Brutal and broken, they claw at the knot of darkness and violence that tightens around their lives. But they're determined to escape what seems an inevitable future Told in stark, vivid, and fearless prose through multiple voices, Anatomy of a Girl Gang is a narrative punch to the throat, a screaming, spray-painted portrait of urban gang culture: an unflinching story about lost girls struggling for power, belonging, voice, and hope. ASHLEY LITTLE's debut novel, Prick: Confessions of a Tattoo Artist was shortlisted for a ReLit Award and has been optioned for a film, for which she is writing the screenplay. She is also the author of the YA novel The New Normal, and is currently completing her MFA.
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Published 2013-09-01 by Arsenal Pulp Press (N-A)


Anatomy of a Girl Gang is a daring book. It doesn't flinch from the glamorous lure of gang life or its devastating effects, and through it all, Little's gang really owns it: their glories and tragedies are completely their own. Read more...