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Christian Dittus
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William C. Dietz

A Legion of the Damned prequel

Hundreds of years in the future, much has changed. Advances in medicine, technology, and science abound. Humanity has gone to the stars, found alien life, and established an empire. But some things never change
All her life, Lady Catherine Carletto—Cat—has lived for the next party, the next lover, the next expensive toy. Until, in a bloodthirsty power grab, Imperial Princess Ophelia and her cadre of synth assassins murder her brother, the emperor, and go on to purge the galaxy of his friends and allies—including Cat's family.

Now Cat is on the run. And, like countless others before her, she finds sanctuary among the most dangerous of society's misfits—the Legion. Cat becomes Andromeda McKee: a woman with a mission—to bring down Empress Ophelia—or die trying.

New York Times bestselling author William C. Dietz has published more than forty novels some of which have been translated into German, French, Russian, Korean and Japanese. Dietz also wrote the script for the Legion of the Damned game (i-Phone, i-Touch, & i-Pad) based on his book of the same name--and co-wrote SONY's Resistance: Burning Skies game for the PS Vita. Dietz spent time with the Navy and Marine Corps as a medic, graduated from the University of Washington, lived in Africa for half a year, and has traveled to six continents. Dietz has been employed as a surgical technician, college instructor, news writer, television producer and Director of Public Relations and Marketing for an international telephone company.
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Published 2013-11-01 by Ace Books


Military SF accessible to those not familiar with the subgenre featuring a likeable protagonist, a ruthless villain, and enough surprises and pounding action to compel the reader forward The measure of a good book is when you feel compelled to finish the story, even forgoing sleep to get it done. ANDROMEDA'S FALL is such a book.

Space opera at a very high level, and not a bad place to make the acquaintance of the Legion.

The action rarely lets up a page turner.