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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher


Christopher Whitcomb

His 2001 memoir COLD ZERO (Little, Brown), which detailed his experiences on the FBI Hostage Rescue Team, was published the week of 9/11. Chris Whitcomb had just retired from the FBI (because "you can't write books about the FBI and stay in the FBI"), and he was entering a changed world. ANONYMOUS MALE picks up where COLD ZERO left off, and we follow Chris as he transitions from his life in the FBI, to his brush with celebrity as he becomes a public figure, to his deep dive into the murky global intelligence community. Chris's on the ground writing brings the reader along for every step of his journey as he involves himself in turmoil and violence around the world while fighting severe PTSDchasing chaos to match the chaos he feels inside. Across locales like Afghanistan and Indonesia, Mogadishu and Pakistan, ANONYMOUS MALE is his personal journey through hell and back againa confession, a redemption, and a study of how he found his way home.
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Published 2025-08-19 by Random House