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Rainbow Rowell (Wilken)

ANY WAY THE WIND BLOWS is the final book in the #1 New York Times bestselling series featuring Simon Snow, his enemy-turned-lover Basilton "Baz" Pitch and their faithful friends Penelope and Agatha. Simon is struggling with living a non-magical life after spending so long being defined by magic and his status as the Chosen One. What happens to the Chosen One once he's fulfilled his destiny? And who defines "destiny," anyway?

Simon and Baz are renegotiating the boundaries of their relationship after a rocky start when the World of Mages faces a new threat: a series of Chosen Ones, all determined to prove they are the real savior of the world. One of these proves especially dangerous, swaying not only Baz's stepmother and Penelope's beloved father, but Simon himself. And, with Penelope distracted and Agatha dealing with her own identity crisis, Baz and Simon are left to defend Watford from yet another threat, a dangerous false prophet with promises of unlimited magic to all.

ANY WAY THE WIND BLOWS takes the gang back to England, back to Watford, and back to their families for their longest and most emotionally wrenching adventure yet.

This book is a finale. It tells secrets, answers questions, and lays ghosts to rest.
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Published 2021-07-01 by St Martin's Press


UK: Pan Macmillan; Polish: HarperCollins Polska); Czech: Euromedia; Italian: Piemme; Brazilian-Portuguese: Companhia das Letras; Chinese (Complex characters): Global Group; Romanian: Art;