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Konrad Küster

Arp Schnitger is one of the most renowned organ builders of all time. Konrad Küster describes in detail how this exceptionally gifted craftsman grew up into the rich organ culture of Continental Europe bordering on the North Sea and reached out far beyond it.

Those interested in organs built by Arp Schnitger visit small villages and encounter urban splendours of sound. Its richest forms unfold themselves in Hamburg and Groningen.

Arp Schnitger, born and bred near the North Sea in Lower Saxony, was a traditional craftsman – and far more modern. He acted as an engineer (organs were among the most complex machines of his time) and as an entrepreneur: he sometimes built several organs at the same time at places far distant from each other. Additionally, and as an ingenious logistics specialist, he planned access to scarce luxury commodities and the transport of finished organs across a pre-modern Europe. He himself was constantly on the go, monitored the work in progress and optimised his concepts of sound.

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Published 2019-06-28 by Verlag Ludwig , ISBN: 9783869353586

Main content page count: 232 Pages

ISBN: 9783869353586