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Claire Harris
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Sarah Ahiers

In the Kingdom of Lovero, where families of assassins lawfully kill people for the right price, seventeen-year-old Oleander “Lea” Saldana sets out on a path of vengeance against the most powerful clan of all.
The list of things Lea can count on in her life has never been long: her mother is relentless in her quest to make Lea a better assassin; she can beat her boyfriend, Val, in a fight; and her bone mask will keep her safe from the angry ghosts as she walks the night. But when she entrusts Val, a member of the powerful Da Via Family, with the secret location of her home, her family is slaughtered and Lea barely escapes with her life. Now there’s only one thing left to do: make the Da Vias pay.

The Da Vias have gone to ground and the one person who can find them is Lea’s missing uncle, banished from her family years ago. Even if Lea can find him before the Da Vias realize she escaped their knives, Lea can’t trust him. And she certainly can’t trust his half-trained apprentice, Alessio after the last boy she trusted betrayed her so violently. But when the Da Vias kidnap her uncle, Lea has a choice: use him as a distraction to finally kill the Da Vias, or team up with Alessio and save all that remains of her family.

A fantastic debut that that will appeal to readers of Leigh Bardugo and Kristin Cashore.
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Published 2016-04-01 by HarperTeen


Published 2016-04-01 by HarperTeen


Love, death, family... and vengeance. This gripping fantasy thriller will keep you turning the pages all night long.

Equal parts adventure, romance, politics, Ahiers’ first novel is astonishingly good. This is a unique twist on a love story, and the exciting Godfather-esque plotline adds layers of intrigue. Fans of Robin LaFevers’ His Fair Assassins series will snatch this one up in a heartbeat.

A lavishly constructed fantasy world with an intricate society.

An electrifying debut. Spellbinding!

Ahiers’s Romeo and Juliet-inspired world of gods, angry ghosts, and assassins is darkly lush, and Lea’s voice is strong and pragmatic, making for a stylish and rich read.

The action and adventure packed into this first-person narrative will keep the pages turning.