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Sebastian Ritscher


Louis Cozolino

Creating a Tribal Classroom

Teaching teachers the importance of social connection in the classroom.
Human brains are social, and a student's ability to learn is deeply influenced by the quality of his or her attachment to teachers and peers. Secure attachment relationships not only ensure our overall well-being, but also optimize learning by enhancing motivation, regulating anxiety, and triggering neuroplasticity. This book presents a classroom model of secure attachment, exploring how teacher-student rapport is central to creating supportive, "tribal" classrooms and school communities. Louis Cozolino, PhD, is a professor of psychology at Pepperdine University and a private practitioner. He is the author of The Healthy Aging Brain, The Neuroscience of Human Relationships, The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy, and The Making of a Therapist. He lives in Los Angeles, California.
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Published 2014-10-06 by W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. - New York (USA)


This is a powerful and necessary book that every parent, teacher, and professional involved in education should read and practice. Using science to support his thoughts on attachment-based learning with real world examples demonstrated by successful teachers, Dr. Cozolino provides a clear road map with the tools necessary to successfully implement an effective teaching and learning structure. If you want what is best for your child or your students, you must read Attachment-Based Teaching!

A must-read for all current and future teachers. Read this book and you’ll be challenged and transformed, becoming a better teacher (tribal leader) for having done so. Take some time to reflect on Cozolino’s ideas and challenge your own beliefs, and you’ll become a better learner as well.

Louis Cozolino has done it again. His ability to explain and show the relevance and application of complex neurobiology, psychology, and social anthropology is without equal. The blend of substance and readability is nothing short of remarkable. Dr. Cozolino is able to inform, inspire, illustrate, and provoke practical and realistic ways to improve education and touch the lives of a new generation.

Attachment-Based Teaching puts social-affective neuroscience and the biology of attachment directly in the hands of teachers, providing powerful, evidence-based and accessible explanations for why and how appropriate social bonding is the foundation for all meaningful learning and achievement. It is a unique resource and a must-read for any teacher who cares about his or her students.