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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher


Anne Applebaum

AUTOCRACY INC will explore the networks, the ties that bind Russia, China, Belarus, Iran, Venezuela and other countries, as well as the international democracy movement that now opposes them.
The book will put today's autocrats, and today's democratic activists, in a historic context, explaining what about Autocracy Inc is new and what is familiar. It will describe the deep links between modern autocracies; explain how autocrats have tried to shape the economics and politics of democracies; introduce the democratic activists who have tried to fight back. It will be relatively short, perhaps 80,000-100,000 words, following the format of Twilight of Democracy. It will incorporate, in a similar manner, reporting, history, philosophy and politics. Anne's aim is to explain this new world, and to start the conversation about how to defeat it.
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Published 2024-07-23 by Doubleday


Autocracy, Inc. is a valuable book for many reasons, but the focus on illicit wealth creation and on those in democracy who enable it is especially timely. So is Applebaum's recommendation that we wage war on autocratic behaviors wherever they occur. That requires a united front among democratic countries to stop 'lawless violence,' enforce sanctions and debunk propaganda including inside their borders. Read more...

Like [Applebaum], Autocracy, Inc. is clear-sighted and fearless... Autocracy, Inc. is deeply disturbing; it couldn't be anything else. But Applebaum's research is always thoroughgoing, which makes it a pleasure to read... It's a disturbing world we live in, but understanding its ways, keeping our own counsel, and knowing who to trust have never been so important. Anne Applebaum is one of those we can trust. Read more...

UK: Penguin, Brazil: Record, Hebrew: Yedioth, Bulgarian: Iztok Zapad, Romanian: Grup Media Litera