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Stephen Hunter

A swashbuckling British agent goes behind enemy lines to search for a religious text that might hold the key to ending the second World War. British special agent Basil St. Florian a cynical, quick-witted, swashbuckling, whisky-drinking, womanizing thrill-seeker. But Army superiors put up with him because, despite his proclivities, Basil gets the job done.
Basil St. Florian is an accomplished agent in the British Army, tasked with dozens of dangerous missions for crown and country across the globe. But his current mission, going undercover in Nazi-occupied France during World War II, might be his toughest assignment yet. He will be searching for an ecclesiastic manuscript that doesn't officially exist, one that genius professor Alan Turing believes may hold the key to a code that could prevent the death of millions and possibly even end the war. St. Florian isn't the classic British special agent with a stiff upper liphe is a swashbuckling, whisky-drinking cynic and thrill-seeker who resents having to leave Vivien Leigh's bed to set out on his crucial mission. Despite these proclivities, though, Basil's Army superiors know he's the best man for the job, carrying out his espionage with enough charm and quick wit to make any of his subjects lower their guards. A classic espionage thriller from Pulitzer Prize-winning critic, essayist, and NY Times bestseller novelist, Hunter whose Point of Impactwas filmed as "Shooter" with Mark Wahlberg and became a TV series with Ryan Phillippe. BASIL'S WAR is an expanded version of his Bibliomystery, Citadel.
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Published 2021-05-01 by Mysterious Press


Hunter's thrillers are always taut, exciting, and well-written.

Hunter passes almost everybody else in the thriller-writing trade as if they were standing still . . . Worth every extravagant rave.

One of the best thriller novelists around.

UK: Head of Zeus ; Japanese: Fusosha

The front rank of the thriller novelists.

An outstanding World War II spy thriller. Basil St. Florian was the James Bond of his time.

Hunter adopts a breezy, boys' adventure book style that complements Basil's derring-do exploits.

Hunter's remarkable versatility is on full view in this utterly charming caper, and fortunately there appears to be a sequel in the offing.