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Susanne Simor
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Being by Myself

Ulrich Lilie Johann Hinrich Claussen

An Atlas on Loneliness

The Corona crisis has led many people into loneliness. Some were caught completely unprepared. People who were already lonely before, the old and the sick, students, singles, workaholics, fell into deep distress. In forays through religion, literature and art, science and everyday life, the authors explore the light and dark sides of being alone.

They explain which personal imprints and social conditions lead some to seek solitude, others to flee it, and show ways out of involuntary seclusion.

Everyone seems to know loneliness, and yet it is like an unexplored continent. In their entertaining atlas, Johann Hinrich Claussen and Ulrich Lilie survey places of refuge where one is finally "by oneself," the expanses of "loneliness" where one wanders through melancholically, the realm of solitude to which monks, scientists, and artists retreat, and the icy regions of isolation where one threatens to freeze to death. They explain what research says about solitude and point to paths of liberation. A helpful guide for anyone who wants to explore the continent of solitude more closely and leave safely.  

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Published by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 240 Pages