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Josh Mezrich

Notes from a Transplant Surgeon

One of the most profound, awe-inspiring, and deeply affecting feats in the medical world - the movement of organs between bodies, and nothing less than the creation of life from loss.
Dr. Mezrich is an elite surgeon at one of the world's premier transplant centers. As he follows the chronological arc of his professional career, he traces the arc of the history of transplantation, moving from organ to organ, and medical leap to leap, as a cast of brilliant, rogue, and sometimes far-too-daring doctors pushed the envelope in a field that sprang into being over a span of blistering decades.

By the end, Mezrich illuminates an extraordinary world for us an entire superstructure of doctors, nurses, databases, organizations, regions, allocation centers, logistics, and transportation that collectively make modern transplants possible, complete with an ever growing list of ethical conundrums and controversies.

Most importantly, more than any of this, Mezrich has mined the deep humanity of transplants of those who perform them, of those who risk their lives to ensure that they happen, and most significantly of the donors living sometimes, but most often deceased and suddenly so whose corporeal gifts are immaterial in their power and meaning.

Mezrich's wonderfully disarming voice and ability to capture the emotional and wrenching essence of the line between life and death, a line that he walks every day, is extraordinary, and by the end of the book a reader can't help but feel a tremendous and almost painful sense of indebtedness to him and his fellow surgeons who bear such a profound burden in their expertise and brilliance. The bittersweet inspiration and humanity here are inescapable, revealed through the stories of the donors and the recipients whose stories intersect through the movement of life between bodies.

Dr. Joshua Mezrich Joshua Mezrich, MD, is an assistant professor of surgery in the division of multi- organ transplantation at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.
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Published 2019-01-15 by HarperCollins


A great read for fans of narrative nonfiction, medicine, and real-life suspense stories. Read more...

Mezrich...delivers an attention-grabbing and candid look at human organ transplantation. ...Mezrich does a commendable job sharing his death-to-life experiences in a vital field. Read more...

Radio interview with Dave DAvies

...outstanding memoir... Medical memoirs have become a significant genre over the past two decades, and this one ranks near the top, in a class that includes arguably the best, Henry Marsh's Do No Harm (2015). Read more...