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Heel Verlag
Stephanie Becker-Barth
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Body Toning

Andreas Scholz

SPECIFICATIONS: ● 136 pages ● approx .100 full colour photographs ● softcover ● trim size 165 x 210 mm ● retail price: € 14.95

Everyone has a health or fitness goal. You may want to lose weight, strengthen muscles, and maintain good health or simply look and feel better. Andreas Scholz, the well known author of bestselling titles such as ‘Muscle food’ or ‘Body food’, is an expert on Body Toning. His philosophy is plain and simple: stop the constant dieting and start exercising. Instead of burning the candle at both ends you should follow his advice, eat healthy and exercise at least three times a week. His One-to-One training methods take into account, that every body type has a different lipid metabolism and catabolism and reacts individually to the various exercises. In order to follow up on the progress of his clients Andreas Scholz monitors each individual status through online coaching sessions. It’s about time that his knowledge on shaping a typical women’s body is available to the broad audience. The book contains many illustrations and explanations about the effect his exercises have on the female body: getting in shape, keeping fit and stay healthy.

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Published 2011-01-01 by HEEL Verlag , ISBN: 9783868523904

Main content page count: 136 Pages

ISBN: 9783868523904