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A.F. Carter

For fans of 'Mare of Easttown' and 'Happy Valley', or readers of Long Bright River, a strong-willed female Rust Belt detective a proudly out lesbian -- strives to bring order and justice to the gritty, lawless boomtown of Baxter where the only thing that's pretty is the thought of getting out.
Police captain Delia Mariola is still struggling to drive the predatory drug dealers from the rustbelt town of Baxter, before the new Nissan plant owners lose faith in this forgotten corner of America. It doesn't help that a boomtown has grown up just outside of city limitsa wild west designed to feed every unsavory desire of the workers building the plant. And like vultures homing in on the weak, criminal gangs from the big cities have also been drawn to the boomtown, knowing how freely money will flow to those willing to supply drugs and women to these workers far from home, looking for comfort and distraction. With no police actively enforcing the rule of law in the unregulated town, the criminals have turned on each other as they try to claim control. In the midst of this drug war, a young prostitute's body turns up on the streets of Baxter, well within Delia's jurisdiction to investigate. Hoping this might be the case that allows her to finally be able to crack down on Boomtown, Delia is relentless in her pursuit of the killer and the group she believes is behind the criminal enterprises plaguing her streets. But Delia isn't the only person looking for the murderer. Two strangers have arrived in town, claiming to be the family of the deceased and possibly looking for a version of justice that has more to do with back hills vigilantism than the court of law. This complicates everything for Delia, who is unfairly made the target of criticism not only for the criminals running amuck in Boomtown, but also as a woman and lesbian in a small-town police force. Once again, A.F. Carter brings a host of unforgettable characters to life in this gritty crime novel, the most memorable being the town of Baxter itself. This is the third novel in Carter's critically acclaimed series featuring Detective Delia Mariola, introduced in The Hostage and The Yards; Carter is also the author of All of Us.
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Published 2023-09-01 by Mysterious Press


A rich and reeking swamp full of exploitation, despair, violence, and summary justice.

Admirers of Ace Atkins's down-and-dirty Quinn Colson books will find much to like.

Audio: Recorded Books ; British: Head of Zeus ; German: Polar