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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
Original language


Teresa K. Miller

This is a collection of short untitled poems in two parts that explore personal and collective inherited traumas, from a poet who "[refuses] the mind's limits".
BORDERLINE FORTUNE is a meditation on intangible family inheritance - of unresolved intergenerational conflicts and traumas in particular - set against the backdrop of our planetary inheritance as a species. As native species go extinct and glaciers melt, Teresa K. Miller asks what we owe one another and what it means to echo one's ancestors' grief and fear.
Drawing on her own family history, from her great-grandfather's experience as a schoolteacher on an island in the Bering Strait to her father's untimely death in 2006, and her own pursuit of regenerative horticulture, Miller seeks to awaken from the intergenerational trance and bear witness to our current moment with clarity and attention.

key selling points:
- AWARD-WINNING POET: This book was one of the five winners of the 2019 National Poetry Series competition, in which Miller had twice previously placed as a finalist.
- TIMELY THEMES: As modern classics such as The Body Keeps the Score and It Didn't Start with You have demonstrated, we are beginning to more fully grasp the influence and consequences of inherited trauma, a phenomenon Miller explores while simultaneously reckoning with the urgent threat of climate change.
- RISING REPUTATION: Miller's previous collection, sped, was reviewed in the Los Angeles Review of Books, The West Seattle Herald, and Queen Mob's Teahouse, and her poems and essays have appeared in ZYZZYVA, Columbia Poetry Review, Entropy, and elsewhere.

A graduate of Barnard College and the Mills College MFA program, Teresa K. Miller is the author of sped and Forever No Lo as well as co-editor of Food First: Selected Writings from 40 Years of Movement Building. Her poems and essays have appeared in ZYZZYVA, AlterNet, Entropy, DIAGRAM, and elsewhere.
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Published 2021-10-05 by Penguin Poets Trade Paperback


BORDERLINE FORTUNE is a Winner of the National Poetry Series, selected by Carol Muske-Dukes

Teresa K. Miller explores startling territories in BORDERLINE FORTUNE. She addresses the lines we've drawn and erased for centuries on the earth - that conform to the borders we cross and uncross in the mind. Yet: "I'm asking you to believe in what you've never seen or heard", she writes, refusing the mind's limits. Conscious bad patterns of cognition, even "borderline personality" remain hinted at, but as a kind of wrong-minded fortune telling. Here is the dark power of climate change where she finds the future "all danger, heat, & scarcity." Blake, Dickinson and Hopkins' Terrible Sonnets hover: ("birds build/but not I build"), above trees cut down and hope with feathers. The damage done to the earth echoes the damages to the protean mind of the poet - but Miller remains radiantly elusive, an escape artist in these marvelous poems of altered terra firma and revelation.