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Heel Verlag
Stephanie Becker-Barth
Original language


Uwe Kurth Joachim Klang

The new big unofficial LEGO® builders book

SPECIFICATIONS: ●●● 208 pages ●●● approx. 200 colour photos ●●● word count : 13,412 ●●● paperback ●●● trim size: 203 x 254 mm ●●● retail price: EUR 18,-

As the ultimate powerful construction toy, LEGO® offers endless possibilities - just give your imagination free reign! In order to assist you in this, our authors are revealing a wide range of construction techniques, also using various new bricks which are available by now. Their new tips and tricks are all clearly displayed in easy-to-grasp step-by-step instructions for new and individual models to be created, whether houses, cars, spaceships, figures, or even small accessories. The authors even explain how to integrate LEGO® electric motors, disclosing new prospects for your own personal LEGO® masterpiece! This book addresses beginners as well as skilled builders, revealing a wide range of construction techniques and demonstrating manifold new tips and tricks of the authors.

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Published 2018-09-01 by HEEL Verlag , ISBN: 9783958437616

Main content page count: 208 Pages

ISBN: 9783958437616