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Jennie Young

Decode Dating, Torch the Duds, and Find Your Needle

Here is the proposal for BURNED HAYSTACK DATING METHOD: Decode Dating, Torch the Duds, and Find Your Needle by Jennie Young, Ph.D., creator of The Burned Haystack Method, a revolutionary approach to modern dating recently profiled in The New York Times, HuffPo, The Independent, Newsweek, Hello Gloria, several podcasts, and countless Reddit, TikTok, and Instagram posts. This is more than just a dating book it's a book about modern communication.
If you really want to find a needle (a long-term committed partner) in a haystack (dating apps), burn the haystack to the ground. When the fire is out, it's easy to see the needles because metal doesn't burn. Getting an overwhelming selection down to just a few great candidates is much more efficient than picking through hundreds of thousands that will never work out. The Burned Haystack Method advises women to do what sounds counter-intuitive: present yourself exactly as you are, and give almost no one a chance. Young, a professor of rhetoric and women/gender studies at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, teaches women how to dissect the communication styles and behavioral patterns in men's profiles using applied rhetoric, critical discourse analysis, and 10 key rules. With a blend of scathing humor and academic rigor, Young breaks down the hidden meanings behind messages and profiles and helps women spot red flags early on and focus on partners who are genuine. Burned Haystack is more than a method; this is a movement and BURNED HAYSTACK DATING METHOD will be its manifesto. Young's private Facebook group now has over 100K very committed members worldwide, her Substack achieved bestseller status within one week of initiation, and Burned Haystack and its rules like "block to burn" are now part of online dating lexicon. BURNED HAYSTACK DATING METHOD will provide millions of women with clear, relatable, empowering advice to help them find long-term love.
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Published by Morrow (HarperCollins)