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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Kayleen Schaefer

How Thirtysomethings Are Redifining Adulthood

From the author of Text Me When You Get Home comes an investigation into what it means to be in your thirties and how to navigate some of the biggest milestones of adult life... including how it is more okay than ever to not have every box checked off...
On Kayleen Schaefer's birthday, she went dancing with friends, they broke a table, and she turned thirty standing on the sidewalk outside a club she got kicked out of.

Sociologists have identified the five markers of adulthood as finishing school, leaving home, marriage, gaining financial independence, and having kids. But the signifiers of being in our thirties today are not the same - repeated economic upheaval, rising debt, decreasing marriage rates, fertility treatments, and a more open-minded society have all let to a shifting timeline. We are taking major life steps later, switching careers with unprecedented frequency, and exercising increased freedom and creativity in our decisions about how to shape our lives. So why are we measuring "adulthood" by the same metrics that were relied upon fifty years ago?

BUT YOU'RE STILL SO YOUNG is cleverly structured around these five major life events. For each milestone, the book highlights men and women from various backgrounds and places and delves into their experiences navigating an ever-changing financial landscape and evolving societal expectations. The thirtysomethings in this book envisioned their thirties differently that how they are actually living them. He thought he would be done with his degree, she thought she'd be married, they thought they'd be famous comedians, and everyone thought they'd have more money.

Schaefer uses her smart narrative framing, research skills, and relatable voice, along with her own story, to show how the thirties have changed from the cultural stereotypes around them and how they are a radically different experience for people now than they have been for any other generation. And as she and her sources show, not being able to do everything isn't a sign of a life gone wrong. Being open to going sideways or upside down or backward means it has gone right: you found meaning and value in many different ways of living.

Kayleen Schaefer is a journalist and author of Text Me When You Get Home and the bestselling Kindle Single memoir Fade Out. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, Vanity Fair, The New Yorker, Vogue, and many other publications.
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Published 2021-03-02 by Dutton


...her conversational writing style will draw in readers, especially those who enjoyed her previous book.

Kayleen Schaefer masterfully and tenderly explores the contradictions, confusions, and freedoms for modern thirtysomethings across a wide spectrum of backgrounds. This thoughtful collection of stories, research, and personal experience is equal parts educational and insightful, and will no doubt comfort anyone who feels like they are still growing up--so, all of us. Kayleen Schaefer brilliantly reframes the 'messiness' of modern adulthood into something much more empowering: the opportunity to create the lives we really want.

But You're Still So Young is a balm to the soul with extra special salience in uncertain times. Kayleen Schaefer weaves together eight vivid portraits of living out a decade 'no one has given a name to' in a time when we're neither too young or too old, when we're searching for what we want to do, who we want to spend our time with, and who we are, all while facing rampant job insecurity, rising debts, and the threat of 'geriatric' pregnancies. Schaefer is a candid guide throughout, as she unveils her own experience as a woman on the cusp of being in her forties who still has 'not fully transitioned to adulthood.' How deeply relatable! I just love this book.