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Jane Mosbacher Morris Wendy Paris

Use Your Purchasing Power to Make the World a Better Place

Eager to change the world? Learn how you can have a greater social impact through your everyday purchases.
The money we routinely spend on food, clothes, gifts, and even indulgences is an untapped superpower. What would happen if we slowed down to make more thoughtful decisions about what we buy? For "mom and pop" stores across the country, and artisan and agricultural communities around the world, every purchase matters.

Consumers - whether individuals, small businesses, or corporations - are paying more attention than ever to how their goods are made; and retailers - large and small - are responding by investing in ethical and eco-friendly production. Yet figuring out which brands to support can feel overwhelming. Jane Mosbacher Morris has devoted her career to creating economic opportunities for vulnerable communities around the world, and in this valuable book, she shares her passion and insights on how we, as consumers, can create positive change too.

Covering topics that range from why not all factories are evil, to how our morning coffee can be the easiest way for us to use our purchasing power for good, Buy the Change You Want to See makes us better informed consumers. Morris tells inspiring stories about how victims of human trafficking and natural disasters have been empowered by economic opportunity, and she offers practical ideas about how we can support these communities through our purchases - whether it comes to jewelry made from recycled materials in Haiti, sustainably grown and ethically sourced coffee and chocolate from farmers in some of the poorest regions of the world, or mass-produced jeans and shoes made in factories where workers are guaranteed decent working conditions and a fair wage.

Jane Mosbacher Morris is the Founder and CEO of To The Market, a socially inspired business connecting the artisan industry with businesses and consumers seeking social impact products. She previously served as the Director of Humanitarian Action for the McCain Institute for International Leadership, where she managed the Institute's anti-human trafficking program. She currently serves on the Institute's Human Trafficking Advisory Council. Prior to joining the Institute, she worked in the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Counterterrorism and in the Secretary's Office of Global Women's Issues. Morris is a member of VF Corporation's Advisory Council on Responsible Sourcing and serves on various Advisory Boards. She has traveled, spoken, and written broadly on peace, security, and social business for platforms ranging from the National Defense University to Refinery29.

Wendy Paris is an author and journalist who has written on arts and culture, travel, business, and psychology for The New York Times, Travel & Leisure, Conde Nast Traveler, and Psychology Today, among others. She has an MFA in creative nonfiction writing from Columbia University.
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Published 2019-01-29 by TarcherPerigee


Published 2019-01-29 by TarcherPerigee


In Jane's insightful and provocative book, she inspires a fresh perspective on ethical sourcing- showing us how we can tap into the global artisan industry to disrupt traditional manufacturing. She showcases little known ways that the private sector has become an accelerator for change in developing economies. Read this book for inspiration and to be reminded of our individual and collective power to create change!

An inspiring, rising voice for change. Jane shares how her journey of working in the State Department and the McCain Institute led to a deep passion to build a business model to empower vulnerable women through the dignity of work. For any woman who doesn't feel like she has the power to change the world, Jane shows us she can.

Why My Love for Coffee Is Good for the World - And Yours Can be Too By Jane Mosbacher Morris, Founder & CEO of TO THE MARKET Read more...

Conscious consumerism is a core component of the growing movement toward conscious capitalism. Jane Mosbacher Morris is a delightful and engaging storyteller, but she also shows her readers just how easy it is to make a difference with our everyday purchasing decisions. Her book is the perfect gift for any young people in your life who want to live their values, dollar by dollar.

The Power Of Purpose: 12 Books On Social Impact Every CMO Should Read: Mosbacher Morris is the inspiring founder of To The Market, an inspiring platform that features handmade goods made exclusively by proud and passionate artisans who have overcome the perils of abuse, conflict and disease. By partnering with existing artisan groups employing vulnerable communities, they connect them to global consumers and helping them grow their business. In her upcoming book she asks the thoughtful question: What would happen if we slowed down to make more thoughtful decisions about what we buy? For "mom and pop" stores across the country, and artisan and agricultural communities around the world, every purchase matters. Read more...

A marvelous and stimulating must-read. Jane connects rising suppliers in the developing world to global demand for ethically-sourced products. Time to not only look at 'overlooked' populations, but to embrace their astounding potential.

I'm in the business of educating and inspiring children and their families. Reading Buy the Change You Want to See opened my eyes to a magical power everyone has at their fingertips every day. It's the power to contribute to causes we feel strongly about when we open up our wallets to purchase the necessities and the extra goodies in our lives. Families and teachers should read this book about Jane Mosbacher Morris' ambitious journey and her excellent blueprint for how to start the conversation to affect change. Imagine the joy a child will feel when she realizes she has the power to help others by just the simple decision of what to buy for her lunch box (not to mention the lunch box as well!).