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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Sam Kean

Decoding the Secrets of the Air Around Us

In CAESAR’S LAST BREATH Sam Kean retells the history of the world via the gases in every breath we take, infusing it with vivid detail, imagination and wit that we’ve all come to know and love.
Air is the single most important thing in your environment right now. You can survive without food, without solids, for weeks. You can survive without water, without liquids, for days. Without air, without gases, you'll last a few minutes at most. And yet, we spend so little time thinking about it.

Fortunately, New York Times bestselling author Sam Kean is taking us on a journey through the periodic table once again to help us understand the air we breathe, this time telling stories ranging from Cleopatra's perfumes and Nazi mustard gas to medical anesthesia and neon lights.

CAESAR'S LAST BREATH aims to expand our minds as surely as we expand our lungs during our fullest, deepest breaths. Pure air is colorless and (ideally) odorless, and by itself it sounds like nothing. That doesn't mean it's mute, or that it has no voice—it's actually burning to tell its story.
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Published 2017-07-18 by Little Brown


Published 2017-07-18 by Little Brown


Kean pumps chemical and historical trivia into this tale about air and the gases of which it is composed....lightweight and entertaining.

A witty book that turns the science of the stuff we breathe into a delightful romp through history. Kean, an award-winning science writer... has done it again, using his free-wheeling style to translate hard scientific facts into lively stories.

Sam Kean has done it again - this time clearly and entertainingly explaining the science of the air around us. He is a gifted storyteller with a knack for finding the magic hidden in the everyday.

The most fun to be had from nonfiction is a good science book, with a writer of craft who can capture both the excitement and the elegance of science, the incredible fact that this is really how it works. Sam Kean is such a writer andCaesar's Last Breath is such a book. An enormous pleasure to read.

Fascinating stories, so insightful, informative, and disarmingly written. It gave this astronaut a new respect for the air around us all, and made me delightfully more aware of each breath I take.

Brazil: Jorge Zahar ; Japan: Hakuyo-Sha ; Russia: Eksmo ; Spain: Ariel ; UK: Transworld

Riveting.... Kean has a knack for distilling chemistry to its essential elements, using stories and humor.... this is a dose of fresh air.