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Sebastian Ritscher
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Thomas Sowell

A leading conservative intellectual defends charter schools against the teachers' unions, politicians, and liberal educators who threaten to dismantle their success.
The black-white educational achievement gap - so much discussed for so many years - has already been closed by black students attending New York City's charter schools. This might be expected to be welcome news. But it has been very unwelcome news in traditional public schools whose students are transferring to charter schools. A backlash against charter schools has been led by teachers unions, politicians and others - not only in New York but across the country. If those attacks succeed, the biggest losers will be minority youngsters for whom a quality education is their biggest chance for a better life.

Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He is the author of dozens of books and the recipient of various awards, including the National Humanities Medal, presented by the president of the United States in 2003.
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Published 2020-06-30 by Basic Books


Author's piece: Charter Schools' Enemies Block Black Success - Teachers unions are gaining in their fight to stop students and resources from moving toward what works. Read more...

Thomas Sowell's interview on Fox News' "Life, Liberty, and Levin" Read more...

A methodologically rigorous, closely argued, data-driven case for charter schools... Thomas Sowell is a national treasure in a nation that does not entirely deserve him.