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Erica Komisar

Raising Resilient Adolescents in the New Age of Anxiety

This comprehensive guide gives parents the tools they need to raise emotionally healthy, resilient adolescents in a time of great stress when anxiety and mental health disorders are epidemic.
Since the pandemic hit, the epidemic of mental health disorders in adolescents has made parenting even more challenging. But parents can still have an enormous impact on the health and well-being of their child. This book offers parents the tools they need to navigate this tumultuous time of change and create a continuous deep connection with their child. With covered topics such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, behavioral issues, and addiction, parents will learn how they can recognize mental health disorders as well as obtain compassionate and practical advice on how to address these issues if they occur.

Erica Komisar is a clinical social worker, psychoanalyst, and parent guidance expert who has been in private practice for over 30 years. She is a contributor to The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and The New York Daily News and the author of Being There: Why Prioritizing Motherhood in the First Three Years.
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Published 2021-11-02 by Health Communications Inc (HCI)


Erica Komisar is one of today's most important, provocative, and commonsense voices on crucial issues of parenting and relationships. Her insights and arguments always deserve serious attention.

Chicken Little may be the most important resource for parents of kids struggling with anxiety and depression. While other books describe these illnesses, Erica shows us what to do. Brilliantly written and clear, she calms worried parents. If you are concerned about your kids at all, you must read this book.

Erica Komisar's highly readable overview of the challenges adolescents face in our modern world gives insight, encouragement, and hope to parents who struggle with their teens and young adult children. Her kind and gentle wisdom are palpable on each page and point families toward a plan for success.

Chicken Little, the Sky Isn't Falling will help any parent navigate our anxious age. Everything seems to be stacked against the mental health of our children and teenagers. But, in reality, there is hope. Read this excellent book to learn what power you have as a parent to raise them to be resilient, happy, and free.

If every parent put Erica's gentle, apolitical, and commonsense guidance and education to use, America would be deluged with happy, healthy families. I cannot say enough about Erica's work. Make it part of your parenting journey and you can't go wrong.

Many parents are confused and bewildered by what is happening in the lives of their teenagers. They want to help but feel utterly ill-equipped to do so. This book teaches parents that you can still make a difference and give your teen or young adult child a foundation of emotional security and stability that will help them weather the storms of adolescence. If you are a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle, pick up this book and use it as a compass to guide you through these challenging times.

Erica Komisar has vast experience with helping families navigate the ever constant and complex currents of life. She has a wonderful way of balancing kindness with pragmatism, providing what will no doubt be one of the most important resources for parenting.

Erica documents the science and the solutions needed for parents to help their adolescents overcome the unprecedented pressures they face today. What's more is that her work is a necessary prescription for how to better shape public policy and schools and can reduce the many barriers to having healthy kids and families.

Erica Komisar brings science, common sense, and humanity to bear on the question of how to raise children in our crazy time.

Kids have more material advantages and less spiritual advantages than any previous generation. Erica helps parents navigate between these two poles. Her insights are both practical and inspiring. They very well might save your child, your marriage, and, at the very least, your sanity.