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Liepman Literary Agency
Marc Koralnik
Original language


Emily Freud

What if seeking closure from your past could devastate your future?
Londoner Kate has been sober for six years, since hitting rock bottom in her early twenties. A day at a time, all the things she wished for her life are coming true. She has a loving, stable home with perfect Ben, who she is to marry in a few weeks time, and a career in teaching about which she is passionate. Her future is full to the brim with hope and promise.

When her old best friend Becky reappears after ten years, Kate is plunged back to the drunken night that broke off their relationship, suddenly and without explanation. Old anxieties surface, reminding her of who she used to be. Step 9 of Alcoholics Anonymous requires Kate to apologise to anyone she may have hurt during her drinking. With Becky back in her life Kate decides it is finally time to carry out her Number 9 with her. She hopes it will uncover the truth about what happened that fateful night to cause such a rift, and give her the closure she craves, so she can finally lay to rest one of the last painful memories of her previous existence.

But things become complex as the girls' lives and families clash once more. In an extra bid to correct the past, Kate invites Becky to stay with the couple while she finds her feet. When their houseguest begins to behave strangely, and cosies up to Ben, it occurs to Kate that maybe things aren't as they seem. Has Becky really accepted her apology? Or is she still ravaged by bitterness over what happened all those years ago.

As Kate is forced to face up to some home truths, is she right to point the finger at others? Or is this her disease, driving her to self-sabotage, just as she found her happy ending.
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Published 2020-10-01 by Quercus