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Alex Miller

The new novel from Australia's highly acclaimed literary treasure is an extraordinarily powerful exploration of tragedy, betrayal, the true nature of friendship and the beauty of lasting love.
'Me and Ben had been mates since we was boys and if it come to it I knew I would have to be on his side.' Bobby Blue is caught between loyalty to his only friend, Ben Tobin, and his boss, Daniel Collins, the new constable at Mount Hay. 'Ben was not a big man but he was strong and quick as a snake. He had his own breed of pony that was just like him, stocky and reliable on their feet.' Bobby understands the people and the ways of Mount Hay; Collins studies the country as an archaeologist might, bringing his coastal values to the hinterland. Bobby says, 'I do not think Daniel would have understood Ben in a million years.' Increasingly bewildered and goaded to action by his wife, Constable Collins takes up his shotgun and his Webley pistol to deal with Ben. Bobby's love for Collins' wilful young daughter Irie is exposed, leading to tragic consequences for them all. Miller's exquisite depictions of the country of the Queensland highlands form the background of this simply told but deeply significant novel of friendship, love, loyalty and the tragic consequences of misunderstanding and mistrust. Coal Creek is a wonderfully satisfying novel with a gratifying resolution. It carries all the wisdom and emotional depth we have come to expect from Miller's richly evocative novels. Alex Miller has twice won Australia's premier literary prize, the Miles Franklin Literary Award, in 1993 for The Ancestor Game and in 2003 for Journey to the Stone Country. He has also been the recipient of the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize, and has twice won the Christina Stead Prize for Fiction. In 2008, Alex won the internationally recognised Chinese Foreign Novels 21st Century Award for Best Novel with Landscape of Farewell. In 2011, he was awarded the Age Fiction Prize for Lovesong, which was also named Age Book of the Year. Most recently, Alex was awarded the Melbourne Prize for Literature (2012), bestowed triennially upon an author whose body of work has made an outstanding contribution to Australian literature and to cultural and intellectual life. Alex has been published in the UK, North America, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, China, Turkey, Hungary, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Serbia. Coal Creek is his eleventh novel.
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Published 2013-10-01 by Allen & Unwin


UK: Allen & Unwin UK CAN (Engl.): HarperCollins Canada French: Phebus

Shortlisted, Fiction - 2014 Victorian Premier's Literary Awards